
Prof. Dr. Vuk Mirčetić has been actively involved in scientific and research endeavors since 2017. He has authored and published 75 scientific research papers, independently or collaboratively, as the first author or co-author. Mentioned articles have been published both in Serbia and internationally. In accordance with the positive legal regulations in Serbia, said scientific research is classified into the following categories: M14, M21a, M22, M24, M31, M33, M34, M51, M52, and M53.

He has had the privilege of researching and learning alongside esteemed colleagues such as Prof. Dr. Svetlana Vukotić, Prof. Dr. Darjan Karabašević, Prof. Dr. Marko Mihić, Prof. Dr. Gabrijela Popović, Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Đoković, Prof. Dr. Ivana Kovačević, Prof. Dr. Snežana Knežević, Prof. Dr. Marko Slavković, Prof. Dr. Mladen Čudanov, Dr. Vesna Tornjanski, Prof. Dr. Pavle Brzaković, Prof. Dr. Adriana Radosavac, Prof. Dr. Stefan Milojević, Prof. Dr. Drago Cvijanović, Prof. Dr. Marko Špiler, Prof. Dr. Çağlar Karamaşa, Prof. Dr. Mlađan Maksimović♰, Prof. Dr. Vesna Bogojević Arsić, and many others, which have been priceless to his professional development.

The list of published scientific papers is presented below.



Mirčetić, V., Popović, G., Vukotić, S., Mihić, M., Kovačević, I., Đoković, A., & Slavković, M. (2024). Navigating the Complexity of the HRM Practice: A Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making Framework. Mathematics, 12(23), 3769.
Vujko, A., Karabašević, D., Cvijanović, D., Vukotić, S., Mirčetić, V., & Brzaković, P. (2024). Women’s Empowerment in Rural Tourism as a Key of Sustainable Communities Transformation. Sustainability, 16(23), 10412;
Josifović, I., & Mirčetić, V. (2024). Inovativni pristupi zapošljavanju u savremenom poslovnom okruženju. Zbornik radova X međunarodne naučno-stručne konferencije MEFkon 2024 – Inovacije kao pokretač razvoja (str. 139-147). Fakultet za primenjeni menadžment, ekonomiju i finansije, Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Srbija.
Popović, G., Mirčetić, V., Vukotić, S., Karabašević, D. (2024). Academic Staff Selection Based on the MCDM Approach. Proceedings of X International Scientific & Professional Conference MEFkon 2024 – Innovation as an Initiator of the Development (pp. 311-317). Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, University Business Academy, Serbia.
Tornjanski, V., Knežević, S., Mirčetić, V., Drinkwater, K., Alzoubi, H. M., Juraev, D. A., Verma, R. K., Alkhozahe, H., Siozos, E., & Yalouli, T. (2024). The Role of Green Society in Society 5.0: Tango Diamond in a Collective Intelligence (Hybrid) Ecosystem Founded on Human-Centricity and Sustainability. Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 1, 10.
Vukotić, S., Popović, G., & Mirčetić, V. (2024). Changes in the design of workplaces in the contemporary business environment. Book of Abstracts of the X International Scientific & Professional Conference MEFkon 2024 – Innovation as an Initiator of the Development (in press). Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, University Business Academy, Serbia.
Josifović, I, Karabašević, D., & Mirčetić, V. (2024). Innovative approaches in human resource management: Balancing technology and the human factor. Book of Abstracts of the X International Scientific & Professional Conference MEFkon 2024 – Innovation as an Initiator of the Development (in press). Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, University Business Academy, Serbia.
Popović, G., Mirčetić., V., & Karabašević, D. (2024). PSI-AROMAN Assessment of the WB6 Countries Innovation Performance. Proceedings of VI Virtual International Conference Path to a Knowledge Society-Managing Risks and Innovation – PaKSoM 2024 (pp. 53-59). Research and Development Center “IRC ALFATEC”, & Complex System Research Centre, Serbia.
Mirčetić, V., Mihić, M., & Kovačević, I. (2024). Unlocking Hidden Potential: Developing Leadership Competencies in the Digital Age. Proceedings of XIX International Symposium SymOrg 2024 – Unlocking the Hidden Potentials of Organization Through Merging of Humans and Digitals (pp. 713-718). Faculty of Organisational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Mirčetić, V., Popović, G., & Vukotić, S. (2024). Unveiling the Characteristics of the EU Charismatic Leaders Using PIPRECIA-S Method. Journal of Process Management and New Technologies, 12(1-2), 99-109.
Milojević, S., Slavković, M., Knežević, S., Zdravković, N., Stojić, V., Adamović, M., & Mirčetić, V. (2024). Concern or Opportunity: Implementation of the TBL Criterion in the Healthcare System. Systems, 12(4), 122.
Popović, G., Mirčetić, V., & Karabašević, D. (2024). Selection of Tourism Accommodation Facilities for Development: An ADAM-Based Approach. Quaestus, 24, 133-149.


Đoković, A., Cvetković, N., & Mirčetić, V. (2023). Definisanje mere evaluacije osnovnih škola u Republici Srbiji. Zbornik radova IX međunarodno naučno-stručne konferencije MEFkon 2023 – Inovacije kao pokretač razvoja (str. 1-8). Fakultet za primenjeni menadžment, ekonomiju i finansije, Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Srbija.
Josifović, I, & Mirčetić, V. (2023). Upotreba informaciono – komunikacionih tehnologija prilikom selekcije ljudskih resursa. Zbornik radova IX međunarodne naučno-stručne konferencije MEFkon 2023 – Inovacije kao pokretač razvoja (str. 62-69). Fakultet za primenjeni menadžment, ekonomiju i finansije, Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Srbija.
Mirčetić, V. & Vukotić, S. (2023). Postavljanje TEDI matrice u cilju klasterizacije inovacije u menadžmentu ljudskih resursa. Zbornik radova IX međunarodno naučno-stručne konferencije MEFkon 2023 – Inovacije kao pokretač razvoja (str. 154-161). Fakultet za primenjeni menadžment, ekonomiju i finansije, Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Srbija.
Mirčetić, V., & Mihić, M. (2023). A Step Towards the Setting of a Comprehensive Leadership Measurement Model: Gap, Necessity, and Proposal. Book of Abstracts of the IX International Scientific & Professional Conference MEFkon 2023 – Innovation as an Initiator of the Development (p. 2). Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, University Business Academy, Serbia.
Tornjanski, V., Knežević, S., & Mirčetić, V. (2023). Human-Centric Society: A Holistic Overview of Sustainable and Vibrant Future of Humanity and the World. Book of Abstracts of the IX International Scientific & Professional Conference MEFkon 2023 – Innovation as an Initiator of the Development (p. 15). University Business Academy, Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, Serbia.
Mirčetić, V., Vukotić, S., & Popović, G. (2023). Contemporary Terminological Challenges in Management: Human Resources vs. Human Capital. Book of Abstracts of the IX International Scientific & Professional Conference MEFkon 2023 – Innovation as an Initiator of the Development (p. 10). University Business Academy, Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, Serbia.
Tornjanski, V., Knežević, S., & Mirčetić, V. (2023). The Role of Healthy E-Business in Society 5.0 – The Empowerment of the Human-Centric Era. Proceedings of E-business Technologies Conference – EBT 2023 (pp. 22-27). Department for E-Business Faculty of Organisational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Tornjanski, V., Mirčetić, V., & Milojević, S. (2023). Ride on the Waves Towards Human-Centred Project Management Era. Proceedings of XXVII International Project Management Congress – Interdisciplinarity as a Key Link of the Project Profession (pp. 98-110). International Project Management Association (IPMA), Serbia.
Cvijanović, D., Vukotić, S., & Mirčetić, V. (2023). Associating in Serbian Agriculture: Cooperatives and Clusters. Book of Proceedings of XII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences AgroReS 2023 (pp. 191-201). Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Mirčetić, V., & Mihić, M. (2022). Smart Tourism as a Strategic Response to Challenges of Tourism in the Post-COVID. Sustainable Business Management and Digital Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-COVID Era (pp. 445-463). Springer.
Blečić, J., Vukotić, S., & Mirčetić, V. (2022). Comparative Analysis of Women’s Position in Leadership. Proceedings of VIII International Scientific & Professional Conference MEFkon 2022 – Innovation as an Initiator of the Development (pp. 159-165). Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, University Business Academy, Serbia.
Mirčetić, V., & Vukotić, S. (2022). The Impact of Effective Talent Management in Achieving the Comparative Advantage of Modern Companies. Book of Abstracts of VIII International Scientific & Professional Conference MEFkon 2022 – Innovation as an Initiator of the Development (p. 21). Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, University Business Academy, Serbia.
Srebro, S., Mirčetić, V., & Knežević, S. (2022). Innovations as a Response to Financial Challenges in the Contemporary Business Environment. Book of Abstracts of VIII International Scientific & Professional Conference MEFkon 2022 – Innovation as an Initiator of the Development (p. 23). Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, University Business Academy, Serbia.
Mirčetić, V., & Mihić, M. (2022). Developing Smart Tourism as a Strategic Approach to Tourism Challenges in the Post-COVID Era. Book of Abstracts of XVIII International Symposium SYMORG 2022Sustainable Business Management and Digital Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-COVID Era (pp. 116-117). Faculty of Organisational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Srebro, B., Marković, N., Mirčetić, V., Bakmaz, O., & Mrdić, U. (2022). Intelektualni kapital kao strateški resurs porodičnih preduzeća. Zbornik radova XI međunarodne konferencije u društvenom i tehnološkom razvoju – STED 2022 (str. 188-194). Univezitet za poslovni inženjering i menadžment Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina.
Cvijanović, D., Mirčetić, V., & Vukotić, S. (2022). The Influence of Leadership Style on Organisational Performances and Challenges in COVID-19 Pandemic and Similar Circumstances. Thematic Proceedings of XI International Symposium on Natural Resources Management ISNRM 2021 – The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Economy, Resources and Sustainable Development (pp. 11-22). Faculty of Management Zaječar, Megatrend University Belgrade, Serbia.
Vukotić, S., Karabašević, D., & Mirčetić, V. (2022). Strategic Approach to Talent Management: Through Contexts of Time and Environment. Proceedings of XVIII International May Conference on Strategic Management – IMCSM22 (pp. 126-134). Technical Faculty in Bor, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Petrović, G., Karabašević, D., Vukotić, S., & Mirčetić, V. (2022). Global Flows of Goods and Services Among the Most Economically Developed Countries in the World. Quaestus 20, 77-85.
Mirčetić, V., Vukotić, S., & Karabašević, D. (2022). Superior Innovations as a Responsible Answer to The Contemporary Business Challenges. Proceedings of PAR International Leadership Conference PILC 2022Strategic Leadership (pp. 276-289). PAR University College, Croatia.
Mirčetić, V., Ivanović, T., Knežević, S., Bogojević Arsić, V., Obradović, T., Karabašević, D., Vukotić, S., Brzaković, T., Adamović, M., Milojević, S., Milašinović, M., Mitrović, A., & Špiler, M. (2022). The Innovative Human Resource Management Framework: Impact of Green Competencies on Organisational Performance. Sustainability, 14(5), 2713.


Mirčetić, V., Vukotić, S., & Karabašević, D. (2021). Coronavirus Negative Impact to the Tourism: When to Expect the “New Normal”? Proceedings of VII International Scientific & Professional Conference MEFkon 2021 – Innovation as an Initiator of the Development (pp. 261-267). Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, University Business Academy, Serbia.
Đervida, R., Radosavac, A., & Mirčetić, V. (2021). Marketing Concept in Small and Medium Enterprises. Proceedings of VII International Scientific & Professional Conference MEFkon 2021 – Innovation as an Initiator of the Development (pp. 337-343). Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, University Business Academy, Serbia.
Mirčetić, V., Karamaşa, Ç., & Petrović, G. (2021). Challenges and Opportunities of the Family Business on the Road to Entrepreneurship. Book of Abstracts of VII International Scientific & Professional Conference MEFkon 2021 – Innovation as an Initiator of the Development (pp. 30-31). Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, University Business Academy, Serbia.
Vukotić, S., & Mirčetić, V. (2021). Specifics of Expatriate Management with a Focus to Re-Expatriation, Book of Abstracts of VII International Scientific & Professional Conference MEFkon 2021 – Innovation as an Initiator of the Development (pp. 35-36). Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, University Business Academy, Serbia.
Petrović, G., Karabašević, D., Popović, G., Brzaković, T., Vukotić, S., Radosavac, A., & Mirčetić, V. (2021). Review on International Trade in the European Union. Quaestus 19, 161-169.
Mirčetić, V., & Radosavac, A. (2021). Management and Sustainable Development of Ecotourism Destinations. Proceedings of the XII ICEEE-2021 International Scientific Conference – Global Environmental Development & Sustainability: Research, Engineering & Management (pp. 280-285). Óbuda University, Hungary.
Mirčetić, V., Vukotić, S., & Karabašević, D. (2021). Effective Leadership in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Responsible Responses to Crisis. Proceedings of X PAR International Scientific-Professional Leadership Conference PILC 2021Leadership after COVID-19 (pp. 430-440). PAR University College, Croatia.
Drobnjaković, M., Petrović, G., Karabašević, D., Vukotić, S., Mirčetić, V., & Popović, V. (2021). Socio-Economic Transformation of Šumadija District (Serbia). Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, 71(2), 163-180.
Mirčetić, V., & Čudanov, M. (2021). Revalidating Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Model: Induction of the Unproductive Follower. Proceedings of the XXVI International Scientific Conference Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management – SM 2021 (pp. 225-234). Faculty of Economics in Subotica, University of Novi Sad, Serbia.



Ivanović, T., & Mirčetić, V. (2020). Exploring Students’ Attitudes Towards Green Behaviour. International Thematic Monograph – Thematic Proceedings of MEFkon 2020Innovations in the Function of Development (pp. 1-18). Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, University Business Academy, Serbia.
Mirčetić, V., & Vukotić, S. (2020). Development and Analysis of Situational Leadership Models. International Thematic Monograph – Thematic Proceedings of MEFkon 2020Innovations in the Function of Development (pp. 93-113). Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, University Business Academy, Serbia.
Mirčetić, V., Petrović, G., & Vukotić, S. (2020). Innovations as a Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises during Covid-19 pandemics. Book of Abstracts of VI International Scientific & Professional Conference MEFkon 2020 – Innovation as an Initiator of the Development (p. 31). Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, University Business Academy, Serbia.
Vukotić, S., Petrović, G., & Mirčetić, V. (2020). Application of Information Technologies in Human Resource Management. Book of Abstracts of VI International Scientific & Professional Conference MEFkon 2020 – Innovation as an Initiator of the Development (p. 24). Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, University Business Academy, Serbia.
Todorov, P., Radosavac, A., & Mirčetić, V. (2020). Uticaj liderstva na obrazovni process. Zbornik radova VI međunarodne naučno-stručne konferencije MEFkon 2020 – Inovacije kao pokretač razvoja (str. 232-240). Fakultet za primenjeni menadžment, ekonomiju i finansije, Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Srbija.
Mirčetić, V., Radosavac, A., & Đervida, R. (2020). Business Communication in Entrepreneurship. Proceedings of the II Virtual International Conference Path to a Knowledge Society-Managing Risks and Innovation – PaKSoM 2020 (pp. 287-291). Research and Development Center “IRC ALFATEC”, & Complex System Research Centre, Serbia.
Mirčetić, V., Karabašević, D., & Vukotić, S. (2020). Determination of Adapted Kaizen Management Model and its Implementation in Serbian Macroenvironmental Conditions. Proceedings of XII International Scientific Conference Emerging Trends in Business Economics: Towards Competitiveness, Digitalization and Financial Innovation (pp. 46-48). Institute of Economic Sciences, Serbia.
Mirčetić V. (2020). Understanding Shifts in Marketing Evolution as a Prerequisite for Implementation of Marketing 4.0. Proceedings of XVII International Symposium SymOrg 2020 – Business and Artificial Intelligence (pp. 623-634). Faculty of Organisational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Vukotić, S., & Mirčetić, V. (2020). Clustering in Agriculture and Tourism as a Potential for Development of Rural Tourism. Thematic Proceedings II of V International Scientific Conference TISC 2020 Tourism in Function of Development of the Republic of Serbia – Тourism and Rural Development (pp. 470-487). Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia.
Cvijanović, D., Mirčetić, V., & Vukotić, S. (2020). Impact of Cross-Clusters and Cross-Industry Collaboration on Economic Development. Proceedings of XIX International Conference – Life Sciences for Sustainable Development (p. 257). University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Petrović, G., Karabašević, D., Vukotić, D., & Mirčetić, V. (2020). An Overview of the Tourism Economic Effect in the European Union Member States. Turizam 24(4), 165-177.
Mirčetić, V., Karabašević, D., & Vukotić, S. (2020). Correlation Between Leadership Styles and Development Level of Followers in Situational Leadership Model II. Proceedings of the IX PAR International Scientific-Professional Leadership Conference PILC 2020High Leadership Conference (pp. 233-246). PAR University College, Croatia.
Petrović, G., Karabašević, D., Vukotić, S., Mirčetić, V., & Radosavac, A. (2020). The Impact of Climate Change on the Corn Yeild in Serbia. Acta Agriculturae Serbica, 25(50), 133‒140.
Mirčetić, V., Vukotić, S., & Karabašević, D. (2020). Savremeni pristup portfoliju karijere: Predstavljanje elektronskog portfolija karijere. Zbornik radova XXIV međunarodnog kongresa iz upravljanja projektima Hibridni projektni menadžment – imperativ budućnosti (str. 224-229). Udruženje za upravljanje projektima Srbije (IPMA), Srbija.
Mirčetić, V. (2020). The Impact of Leader’s Gender to Business System Performance. Quaestus 17, 159-178.
Cvijanović, D., Mirčetić, V., & Vukotić, S. (2020). Uticaj kulture na upravljanje ljudskim resursima u internacionalnim uslovima. Zbornik radova X međunarodnog simpozijuma o upravljanju prirodnim resursima ISNRM 2020 (str. 82-88). Fakultet za menadžment Zaječar, Megatrend Univerzitet Beograd, Srbija.


Mirčetić, V. (2019). Determination of the Adapted Leadership Grid. Proceedings of the I Virtual International Conference Patch to Knowledge Society – Managing Risk and Innovation – PaKSom 2019 (pp. 205-210). Research and Development Center “IRC ALFATEC”, & Complex System Research Centre, Serbia.
Mirčetić, V., Janošik, M., & Malešević, A. (2019). Determinisanje liderstva i komparacija teorijskih pristupa. Zbornik radova V međunarodne naučno-stručne konferencije MEFkon 2019 – Inovacije kao pokretač razvoja (str. 146-155). Fakultet za primenjeni menadžment, ekonomiju i finansije, Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Srbija.
Cvijanović, D., Mirčetić, V., & Vukotić, S. (2019). Razvoj i definisanje brenda turističke destinacije. Zbornik radova IX međunarodnog simpozijuma o upravljanju prirodnim resursima ISNRM 2019 (str. 303-309). Fakultet za menadžment Zaječar, Megatrend Univerzitet Beograd, Srbija.
Vukotić, S., Karabašević, D., Mirčetić, V., & Maksimović, M. (2019). New Dimensions of the Importance of a Creative Work Environment and its Impact on the Management of Contemporary Organizations. School of Business, 2, 113-129.
Sekeruš, J., Vasić, S., & Mirčetić, V. (2019). Uticaj liderstva na učinak organizacije. Zbornik radova IV međunarodne naučno-stručne studentske konferencije SKEI 2019 (str. 171-185). Univerzitet „Vitez”, Bosna i Hercegovina.
Mirčetić, V., Vukotić, S., & Cvijanović, D. (2019). The Concept of Business Clusters and its Impact on Tourism Business Improvement. Economics of Agriculture, 66(3), 851-868.
Mirčetić, V. (2019). Determination of Serbian Quality Award. Book of Abstracts of the V International Scientific Conference – ERAZ 2019 – Knowledge Based Sustainable Development (p. 45). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Hungary.
Sretić, M., Mirčetić, V., Maksimović, M., & Karabašević, D. (2019). Uticaj etičke interne komunikacije na mišljenje javnog mnjenja. Bizinfo, 10(1), 43-51.
Radosavac, A., Sretić, M., Mirčetić, V., & Vukčević, M. (2019). Business Ethics in Marketing Communication. Quaestus 15, 188-196.
Mirčetić, V., Sretić, M., Maksimović, M., & Karabašević, D. (2019). Leaders’
Effective Communication Tools and Their Impact on Followers’ Development Level.
Quaestus 14, 133-143.
Vukotić, S., Brzaković, M., & Mirčetić, V. (2019). Korporativna pripadnost zaposlenih: Formula uspeha organizacije. Vojno delo, 7, 404-418.


Radosavac, A., Mirčetić, V., & Novaković, S. (2018). Konkurentnost kao faktor rasta i razvoja. Zbornik radova IV međunarodno naučno-stručne konferencije MEFkon 2018 – Inovacije kao pokretač razvoja (str. 256-264). Fakultet za primenjeni menadžment, ekonomiju i finansije, Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Srbija.
Mirčetić, V., Brzaković, P., & Vukotić, S. (2018). Leadership Effectiveness in Modern Age. Proceedings of the IV International Scientific Conference – ERAZ 2019 – Knowledge Based Sustainable Economic Development (p. 885). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Bulgaria.
Mirčetić V. (2018). Authentic Leadership: Conceptualizing and Development. Proceedings of XVI International Symposium SymOrg 2018 – Doing Business in the Digital Age: Challenges, Approaches and Solutions (pp. 394-399). Faculty of Organisational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Mirčetić, V. (2018). Razvoj liderstva i determinisanje modernog pristupa liderstvu. FBIM Transactions, 6(2). 90-97.
Cvijanović, D., Mirčetić, V., & Vukotić, S. (2018). Situaciono liderstvo: Primena odgovarajućeg stila u zavisnosti od razvojnog nivoa sledbenika. Zbornik radova VIII međunarodnog simpozijuma o upravljanju prirodnim resursima ISNRM 2018 (str. 59-65). Fakultet za menadžment Zaječar, Megatrend Univerzitet Beograd, Srbija.
Radlovački, K., & Mirčetić, V. (2018). Uloga menadžera ekspatrijata u poslovanju filijala multinacionalne kompanije. Macedonian International Journal of Marketing, 4(8), 115-123.


Mirčetić, V., & Vukotić, S. (2017). Sistemi nagrađivanja zaposlenih: pozitivni i negativni efekti. Zbornik radova III međunarodne naučno-stručne konferencije – Inovacijama do održivog razvoja (str. 312-319). Fakultet za primenjeni menadžment, ekonomiju i finansije, Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Srbija.